Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Meeting Michael Jackson at 13 years old in 1985

I'm going share a quick story with you all about the first time I personally met Michael Jackson.
Back in 1985 when i was only
13 years old.. I use to ditch school "Horace Mann Junior High" in South Central Los Angeles,... and ride the RTD bus two hours to Michael's Encino home in Calif., I would sit at the gates in front of the house, doing my "Homework", waiting to get a glimpse of Michael, i would always see him.. and one day as he was driving out of his house in his "Black Benz", he asked me how come i wasn't in school.. so, i replied, "Because i wanted to meet you in person"!!, so he said "Go to school don't ditch", and if you stay in school, and do well then i want you to meet me at, "Balboa" Park on this Sat. and you will meet me and my brothers there in person, because, we play "Baseball" there every Sat. But, don't tell anyone loll!!, So, i stopped going to his house during School Days, and went only on Sat. to the Park to watch their "Baseball Games" and Marlon and Jackie, gave me the "Victory Tour Jacket" with 2 copies of the Concert Program,Mind you, Michael was there too, However, he sat on the other teams side to throw the fan's off, sitting watching the Game, in a Hat and Mustache and I was the only one besides his Family that knew he was there watching the game... Back then, I would say "I" was the Ultimate Fan, but after studying music for myself and becoming a professional "Musician" and Artist I now can say that, I am Beyond just being a fan, the last time i saw Michael Jackson in person I was now 30 something, had worked with several recording artist, in the Entertainment Industry and I was performing Michael's Music on the Piano at his 30th Anniversary "AfterParty" 2001 in NYC... I will never forget the look he gave me as I was playing piano for him in front of all the Entertainment Industry Figure Heads.
I often wonder, did Michael know, That this guy
"me" playing the Piano, was the same little kid in 1985, that was sitting in front of his house years ago waiting to just get a glimpse of him, and now here i am a adult and a Artist/Producer/ Professional Musician. 
I believe it was because of "Jacksons"
ALL OF THEM that has inspired me to not only be a "Ultimate Fan" but to also find my own voice as a Musician, Artist, and Keyboardist...-Musically Yours,-Mengesha Mystro Francis.


  1. I say that you fulfilled a big dream that most kids from the 80's could only imagine doing. You got to meet Michael Jackson, and it was a special moment... It was a blessing you were able to run into him one more time in later years skilled in your craft with maturity. I say, "that was a dream come true."

  2. I don't think i will ever forget it, That is something that i will cherish the rest of my life!!
    Crossing paths with Michael Jackson as a Teenager then as a Adult "Was" a dream come true!!
